Attarilan Getar WP

This is our first son, who was born on March 19, 2000 at Sanglah Hospital, Bali.
The golden dragon boy has full name of: ATTARILAN GETAR WANGSA PRESTAKA. His name is quite special.
The word "Attarilan" is a mixed words of Antar or Inter Island, as in his blood runs four different ethnicity, namely Balinese (from my side), Sundanese/West Java (from Abdes' grandfather - father side), Banjar/Kalimantan (from Abdes' grandmother - father side) and Batak/Sumatra (from Abdes' mother).
The word "Getar" means vibration. Abdes received the name from a man who visited him in his dream!!! Even at that time, we didn't know the gender of our baby, yet the dream said that we should name our child as Getar!
Wangsa actually comes from the paternalistic family name who are Sundanese. They were children of Wangsa Wijaya. So, to honor our ancestor, we decided to put Wangsa in our child's name.
Finally, Prestaka, it is Abdes' name. We want to extend a family name ourselves as we both don't have one.